Note: ValueTypes in bold are used in external-api.
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
Saldo | an integer representing the current credit saldo | 9 | numeric |
UsedSaldo | an integer representing the total used credits | 9 | numeric |
CostInCredits | The cost of request in Credits | 9 | numeric |
NetworkedInvoices | number of Networked einvoices in request | 9 | numeric |
Letters | number of letters in request/response | 9 | numeric |
LetterPages | number of pages of letters in request/response | 9 | numeric |
RejectedDocument | number of rejected documents (invoices) | 9 | numeric |
AcceptedDocument | number of accepted documents (invoices) | 9 | numeric |
BatchID | A unique identifier assigned to a batch of documents | 36 | alphanumeric |
DocumentID | A id for single document assigned by sender | 36 | alphanumeric |
UniqueMessageID | A unique identifier assigned to single document | 36 | alphanumeric |
URLtoData | A URL pointing to a data package | 512 | alphanumeric |
DocumentStatus | Status of document (OK, ERR) | 5 | OK|ERR |
ValidateText | Text of validation results | 512 | alphanumeric |
AttachmentName | Name of the attachment file | 512 | alphanumeric |
ImageName | Name of the image file | 512 | alphanumeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
ActionType | 'Purchase' or 'Usage' | 15 | Purchase|Usage |
CreditDate | Date CCYYMMDDHHMMSS of 'Purchase' | 14 | numeric |
UsageDate | Date CCYYMMDDHHMMSS of 'Usage' | 14 | numeric |
NumberOfCredits | Credits purchased/used | 9 | numeric |
PurchaseUsedCredits | Amount credits used from a specific 'Purchase' | 9 | numeric |
CreditDateOfExpiry | Date CCYYMMDDHHMMSS when purchased credits expire | 14 | numeric |
ChannelName | Available distribution(and incoming) channels | 255 | alphanumeric |
ChannelPrice | Price in Credits(netstamps) | 9 | numeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
TransferID | The identification used for sending and receiving | 36 | alphanumeric |
TransferKey | The password used for sending and receiving | 36 | alphanumeric |
Sender | Sender's unique identifier (usually 'y-tunnus') | 35 | alphanumeric |
Sender id qualifier | Sender's unique identifier qualifier. For example 'y-tunnus' | 10 | alphanumeric |
Receiver | Receiver's unique identifer (usually 'y-tunnus') | 35 | alphanumeric |
Receiver id qualifier | Receiver's unique identifier qualifier. For example 'y-tunnus' | 10 | alphanumeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
ContractType | Type of contract | 60 | alphanumeric |
ContractStatus | (Pending,Valid,Cancelled,Hold) | 15 | Pending|Valid|Cancelled|Hold |
Description | Description | 512 | alphanumeric |
ContractChangeDate | CCYYMMDDHHMMSS | 14 | numeric |
SignedDate | CCYYMMHHMMSS | 14 | numeric |
SigneeEmail | email address | 512 | alphanumeric |
SigneeName | Name of contract signer | 60 | alphanumeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
MessageType | Messagetype used (einvoice,invoic, orders etc.) |
12 | alphanumeric |
Software | Name of the software | 35 | alphanumeric |
SoftwareVersion | Version of the software; '*' here means valid for all versions | 12 | alphanumeric |
PreProcessor | Application name used for preprocessing | 255 | alphanumeric |
Splitter | Application name used for splitting | 255 | alphanumeric |
Validator | Application name used for validation | 255 | alphanumeric |
ErrorHandler | Application name used for handling error situations | 255 | alphanumeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
Ytunnus | Y-tunnus (unique company-id assigned by authorities) | 14 | alphanumeric |
Name | Name of the company | 60 | alphanumeric |
AdditionalName | Additional name of the company | 60 | alphanumeric |
FieldOfBusiness | The company's field of business | 512 | alphanumeric |
CompanyForm | The company form (for example ltd.) | 60 | alphanumeric |
CustomerNumber | Customer number assigned by Apix | 9 | numeric |
UniqueCompanyID | A unique identifier assigned to the company | 36 | alphanumeric |
AddressType | Type of address (Official, Visiting, Billing) | 15 | Official|Visiting|Billing |
Street1 | Addressline1 | 80 | alphanumeric |
Street2 | Addressline2 | 80 | alphanumeric |
PostalOffice | Postal office | 80 | alphanumeric |
PostalCode | Postal code | 16 | alphanumeric |
Country | Country name | 35 | alphanumeric |
Email address | 512 | alphanumeric | |
Www | www address | 512 | alphanumeric |
Phonenumber | Phone number | 35 | alphanumeric |
Domicile | The company domicile | 35 | alphanumeric |
ContactPerson | Name of the contact person | 60 | alphanumeric |
LanguageCoded | Language code, ISO 639-1 | 2 | alphanumeric |
ValueType | Contents of Value | Max.size | ContentType |
Records | Data operation: Number of records affected | 9 | numeric |
Operation | Data operation: CREATE,DELETE,UPDATE | 12 | CREATE|DELETE|UPDATE |
Date | CCYYMMDD | 8 | numeric |
Time | HHMMSS | 6 | numeric |
pce | Pieces | 9 | numeric |