”Terminal” is a service provided to the endusers (applications) for uploading files for a non-archive storage (default: 1 month) into Apix servers and sharing those uploaded files to their partners.
This sharing happens by creating a storage in the "Terminal" with an unique hexadecimalnumber id (UUID http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) and associating a 12 number key for it (called ID and KEY). These are both generated by the system when a storage is generated. In order to access the files one has to know this pair – the ID is formed in to URL suitable for entering in a browser i.e https://liite.apix.fi/attachment/72cd1466-fde9-465c-b86a-9008788e2ad9
The system has manual and automatic methods for file upload/download. Manual operation happens through www-applications and the automatic operation through webservice (REST) calls.
In addition for the basic authentication (KEY) for the complete storage an additional user generated ’Personal Key’ (PERSONAL KEY) can be associated to a single file(s).
This key needs to be provided when others access the file.
1. The user at sending company uploads the attachments to Apix service using a www-application accessed via web browser. The service stores the files and gives the user the Key and ID information (User can use these to upload later more Documents or delete old documents).
2. The user enters the Key and ID information in the application for inclusion in InvoiceUrlText and
InvoiceUrl Finvoice elements. In addition single files can be locked with a personal key.
1. The user selects the attachments using his application and the application sends the attachments to
the service using a REST-call. The Key and ID information are returned to the application for inclusion in
‘InvoiceUrlText’ and ‘InvoiceUrl’ Finvoice elements. In addition single files can be locked with a
personal key.
3. The complemented Finvoice-file is sent to a bank
4. Finvoice-file comes to the receiving application through the normal mechanism.
5. If the application recognizes the contents InvoiceUrlText and InvoiceUrl, it can by combining them
generate a Webservice call to Apix service for retrieving the attachment-zip. For files locked with a
personal key, it has to be given before downloading. Distribution of personal key from sender to
receiver happens outside this system.
6. The standard visualization of Finvoice shows the InvoiceUrlText to the enduser as an http-link:
’Liite/Bilaga/Attachment (key: nnnn-nnnn-nnn)’ When the end-user clicks the link it opens a browser window to Apix www-service, where the
user is prompted to give the key (as shown in the link name). After entering the key the attachment-zip (or single files) can be downloaded. For files locked with a personal key, it has to be given before downloading. Distribution of personal key from sender to receiver happens outside this system.
For the sending side a company specific user account is required. This account has access to www-application for manually creating storages and manipulating them. The user is identified with userid and password. In addition a separate identification for the automatic creation and manipulation a set of application idetifiers are created called TransferID and TransferKey. These identifiers are used when calling the RESTful webservices API.
For receiving side the identifiers used are the ones provided by the system; the storage ID and KEY, which are delivered to the receiver through the actual document (invoice).
Please contact info@apix.fi for details on the Webservices API